Enhancing customer shopping experience through AR and VR

April 16, 2024

AR vs VR: Which Technology Better Enhances the Customer Shopping Experience?

In recent times, shopping applications have been utilizing advanced technologies, opening conventional business landscapes. Integrating augmented and virtual reality has transformed how people shop around with product purchases. AR and VR combine to create an illusionary effect. Consumers can explore products or services before making the final decision. Besides, when it comes to e-commerce, it offers a superior customer experience.

Fact: The adoption of VR in e-commerce increased conversion by 17%

The choice between AR and VR depends on the specific needs of the business and the preferences of its customer base. With AR being more practical for enhancing in-store experiences and VR offering unparalleled immersion for online shoppers, there's a significant opportunity.

How is AR Different From VR?

How is AR different from VR
Explore the difference between immersiveness and augmentation in reality

The critical distinction between VR and AR is their approaches to merging the digital and physical worlds. It significantly impacts customer experiences, particularly online shopping. VR technology immerses users in entirely virtual environments, enabling them to interact with and explore digital spaces. It is ideal for simulating real-world experiences like trying on clothing or navigating store layouts.

AR technology overlays digital elements onto the physical environment where it allows users to interact with virtual objects in real-world settings. It enhances their understanding and visualization of products within their surroundings—for instance, product visualization of dresses.

In online shopping, VR offers unparalleled immersion, while AR provides practical visualization tools. It ultimately shapes customer interactions and purchase decisions.

VR for Customer Experience Augmentation

Fact: While VR headset sales grow at 31.9% year-over-year, AR faces a short-term decline.

Virtual reality technology has revolutionized customer experiences by offering immersive E-commerce shopping encounters. It cuts the gap between online browsing and in-store interactions. Harnessing VR technology enhances customer engagement through realistic product visualization, interactive virtual showrooms, and personalized experiences tailored to individual preferences. It ultimately elevates satisfaction and drives conversion rates in the digital retail landscape.

By integrating VR into E-commerce platforms, businesses can create memorable and dynamic shopping journeys that captivate customers and determine their brand in a competitive market.

Utilzing VR and AR in the Retail Business

Tablet showing varied pickup times with the help of AR tracking in retail business
Now track progress in real time through AR VR technology
Fact: The global market AR/VR/MR will touch $252 billion

Leveraging VR and AR in retail offers unparalleled opportunities for immersive customer engagement, revolutionizing traditional shopping experiences. AR enhances in-store interactions by overlaying digital information onto physical environments. It facilitates interactive product trials and personalized recommendations.

VR transports shoppers into virtual environments, enabling remote exploration of products, virtual try-ons, and simulated store visits. It fosters convenience and enhances brand loyalty in an increasingly digital retail landscape.

Virtual Try-on

Virtual try-on experiences, powered by VR technology, revolutionize e-commerce shopping by enabling customers to test products virtually in real-time.

By immersing shoppers in lifelike simulations, VR try-on solutions offer a personalized and interactive approach. It mitigates uncertainties associated with online purchases and brings confidence in product selection. Integrating virtual try-on capabilities into E-commerce platforms streamlines the shopping experience and cultivates brand loyalty through enhanced engagement and customer empowerment.

Virtual Showrooms

Virtual showrooms leverage VR technology to create immersive online shopping environments, allowing customers to explore products from their homes in a lifelike digital space. By replicating physical store layouts and enabling interactive product interactions, virtual showrooms offer a compelling alternative to traditional brick-and-mortar shopping, facilitating informed decision-making and driving customer engagement in the digital retail landscape.

Product Description

Utilizing AR technology for product descriptions enhances the customer experience by overlaying digital information onto real-world objects. It provides interactive and informative visualizations that engage and educate shoppers. Augmented reality technology enables customers to interact with virtual product features, dimensions, and functionalities in their physical environment. It allots a deeper understanding and appreciation of items before making purchase decisions. It ultimately elevates satisfaction and reduces uncertainty in the buying process.


AR navigation revolutionizes wayfinding by overlaying digital directions and points of interest onto real-world environments. It enhances navigation experiences with interactive visual cues and real-time information. This ultimately streamlines journeys and reduces user frustration. AR in navigation offers intuitive and hands-free guidance, empowering users to navigate unfamiliar surroundings seamlessly with enhanced spatial awareness. It is a valuable tool for urban exploration, indoor navigation, and outdoor adventures.

Advantage of AR and VR in Retail Business

There are a lot of advantages to AR and VR. Here are some of the critical insights one needs to understand;

How does VR provide an edge over AR?

Man using Meta Quest 2 to play VR games
Is VR a stronger medium than AR?

VR offers a fully immersive environment that transports users to virtual worlds, providing escapism and immersion that surpasses AR. This capability benefits gaming, simulations, and virtual tourism applications, where users seek complete immersion and sensory engagement.

VR excels at simulating environments and experiences, allowing users to interact with objects and scenarios realistically. This capability is beneficial in training simulations, architectural visualization, and virtual prototyping, where users need to manipulate and interact with virtual objects as they would in the real world.

The platform gives users complete control over their virtual environment, enabling them to customize settings, manipulate objects, and navigate spaces precisely. This level of control is valuable in applications such as virtual meetings, virtual events, and collaborative design, where users need flexibility and autonomy to interact with their surroundings in meaningful ways.

At Ikarus VR, we offer tailored solutions for virtual reality applications. We deliver a customized solution that helps you upscale your business seamlessly. Not only can we help your company maximize customer engagement, but we also run a collaborative approach that impacts customer experience.


While both AR and VR offer distinct benefits for enhancing online shopping experiences, VR stands out for its unparalleled immersive and emotional impact, which has the prospect to revolutionize how consumers engage with products online. Ikarus VR strategically integrates AR elements into its VR offerings, leveraging technologies' strengths to deliver superior products to clients.

Through their innovative approach, Ikarus VR empowers businesses to create transformative shopping experiences that captivate and delight customers. We help you unlock the full potential of VR for your brand and elevate your online shopping journey today.

Frequently asked questions

Why is VR popularizing over AR?

VR is gaining popularity over AR because it offers fully immersive experiences transporting users to virtual environments, providing unparalleled escapism and entertainment. Additionally, VR's capability to simulate realistic scenarios is particularly appealing for gaming, simulations, and virtual tourism, where users seek complete immersion and sensory engagement. Furthermore, advancements in VR technology, such as improved headsets and graphics, have contributed to its growing popularity by enhancing the overall quality of VR experiences.

How does VR technology help online businesses?

VR technology helps online businesses by providing immersive experiences that simulate real-world interactions. It enhances product visualization and customer engagement. It enables virtual showrooms, virtual try-ons, and interactive product demonstrations, which reduce purchase hesitancy and increase conversion rates. Additionally, VR facilitates personalized online shopping experiences by offering unique and memorable interactions that differentiate businesses in the competitive online market.

What are the advantages of VR in retail businesses?

VR in retail businesses offers advantages such as immersive product experiences that transcend physical limitations. It enables customers to explore items in detail before purchasing, thus reducing returns and increasing satisfaction. Additionally, VR facilitates virtual showrooms and simulated store visits, providing convenient access to various products. Moreover, VR-powered analytics offer valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, enabling retailers to optimize their marketing strategies and improve overall business performance.